How to go from Madrid to Valencia

How to go from Madrid to Valencia

The journey from Madrid to Valencia takes you straight across the heartlands of western Spain. Between dusty sierras and the lands where one Don Quixote used to roam, it could be a 190-mile, multi-day odyssey filled with flamenco dances and tastes of Manchego cheese. Or, you could smash it in less than 1.5 hours, which … Read more

How to go from Barcelona to Valencia

Barcelona to Valencia

Barcelona might have the great Neo-Gothic cathedral of La Sagrada Familia and the bustling bars of Las Ramblas, but Valencia touts one of the most famous science museums in Europe, gorgeous urban parks, and – of course – that legendary spiced rice that is paella. Thankfully, you might not even have to decide between the … Read more

Airbnb in Valencia

Airbnb in Valencia

Valencia is a feast for both the eyes and the belly. Gargoyle-topped churches and filigreed Art Nouveau architecture grace the cityscape, rolling through the maze of the Ciutat Vella to bohemian barrios like Ruzafa. Everywhere you go, the scents of cinnamon and spice and seafood rise and twist between the alcoves and the orange trees, … Read more